Causes of Urinary Tract Infection


Cause of the pain of urinary tract infections, among others, is due to a decreased immune system so that the bacteria from the genitals, anus or any of the pairs (due to the intimate relationship) entered into the urinary tract. The bacteria include Escherichia coli, Klebsiella and Pseudomonas.
Other causes are a lack of good habits, such as lack of drinking water ..

The most frequent cause Urinary Tract Infection is the lack of cleanliness and health of the pubic region.

It could be due to wipe the wrong way, like holding urination, urinating tidakbuang prior to intercourse is called cystitis Honeymooners, there is a history of venereal disease or bladder stones.

Urinary Tract Infection is more common in women because the female urethra is very short so as to facilitate entry of bacteria.
Meanwhile, Urinary Tract Infection is usually called UTI pain
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