Beautiful hair is very charming, it is deemed not to lose too jemunya. Beautiful hair depends on a healthy scalp. To that end, the fulfillment of nutrients such as vitamins and zinc is necessary for the hair, especially hair that veiled women are vulnerable to problems of loss and dull.
Not only the body that need to be given the intake of nutrients, the hair was also really need it. Bagia a woman, desperate for a clean and healthy hair, many say that the hair is a crown for humans.
No exception is also on the ebrjilbab wnaita Muslims who wear the hijab in their everyday lives. There was no harm in it to keep healthy hair.
To get healthy hair, food consumed must pay attention to good nutrition can also be absorbed by the hair. However, for those who have high activity, so do not have time to pay attention to food intake loose, we recommend taking supplements that contain substances that are beneficial to the hair.
There are several nutrients that are good for hair health include vitamins and minerals.
Vitamin A.
Vitamin A is beneficial for the health of the scalp because it basically is a very good vitamin for healthy skin including the scalp. Vitamin A found in many fruits and vegetables such as carrots.
Vitamins B and C.
While B and C are both very important in the process of blood circulation in order to run smoothly so that the hair becomes stronger and does not look broken, forked, and the hair color was not dull.
For vitamin C itself functions as an anti-oxidant that has the ability to rejuvenate and repair damaged cells. Substance B and C can be obtained from buiahan fruit such as oranges, lemons and strawberries.
Vitamin E.
Contains antioxidants, these vitamins because it has the ability to produce healthy skin and tissue repair. Also serves to produce skin tissue that is conducive to hair growth.
In addition to vitamins to nourish hair, hair also requires nutrients derived from minerals.
Foods that are rich in iron when it enters the body greatly hamper and produce a healthy body and healthy hair. Iron is needed to transport sufficient oxygen to the hair, without enough iron, hair and hair sacs forced kekurangn oxygen.
Foods that are rich in iron can be obtained from:
Dark leafy vegetables meat.
Plant legumes.
Hair also needs nutrients from other mineral types of zinc or zinc.
Serves to prevent hair loss and hair building proteins found in foods such as meat and seafood that contain very high levels of zinc.
Copper nutrition is also needed in pigemntasi hair so the hair will naturally colored. Foods that are rich in copper can be obtained from:
The liver.
Fresh vegetables.
Outside maintenance.
To get the most out of the hair yan, it is recommended to be balanced with outside maintenance such as regular shampooing every other day.
This step is also a balance of nutrients that we consume.
Although nutrients are sufficient, but if not treated on rmabut, then the result will be the same, the hair remains healthy.