Tumor or be grown over (from the Latin words of tumor "swelling") is extraordinary or jisim be grown over of biology tissue. Smallpox be grown over may be categorized as dangerous (malignant tumor) or be grown over are harmless (benign tumor). Almost all of be grown over is an example of neoplasia, it was half the enlargement one form or jisim inflammation may sometimes referred to as be grown over tumors caused by mutations in the DNA of cells, which interfere with efforts to guard cells and cell the division of.
In the discussion that is simple enough, I tried to describe it by means as simple as possible and try to use terms and language that is easily understood by any reader who is outside the medical community.
Basic understanding of cancer:
Cancer (in medical language called Cancer / Carsinoma) is the growth of body cells that normally exist in every part of our body organs, only the growth of these cells become abnormal due to various reasons or factors that influence the growth and tend to grow toward malignancy, so the Cancer can be defined simply, the growth of abnormal cells, and evolve and grow towards malignancy.
But often the question arises what is the difference of Cancer with Tumor?
Understanding of the tumor (in medical language called neoplasm) is the presence of a lump in the body that could be a mass that contains a group of cells, collection of fluid (like pus) usually we commonly know as the cyst, a collection of blood called a hematoma, a collection of fat called lipomas, set of connective tissue called atheroma.
So simply Tumors can be interpreted as follows;
- Lump that was supposed to grow normally, for example breast
- Lump that should not exist, but grow in our bodies, for example Cysts
- Lump that should grow, but growth leads to abnormal growth, it can towards benign (benign tumor) or towards malignant (malignant tumor)
Then what is the connection between these tumors and cancer?
The explanation is:
Tumors are part of the cancer, if growth is leading to abnormal growth and tend to exhibit a growth towards malignant.
So simply must Malignant tumors are called cancer, and benign tumors are not necessarily called Cancer.
So to put it into a category of tumors Cancer, should show the characteristic features of malignant growth.
Characteristic feature of normal cell growth include:
A balance between the formation of new cells (young cells) that grows into an old cell with the death of old cells are replaced by new cells, when growth is no longer a balance can lead to tumor growth (note: not necessarily malignant), the process is usually called with the regeneration of cells.
The growth of new cells have the characteristic feature that is absolutely the same as the parent cells (old cells to be replaced) commonly called Fenotype and genotype, when changes are characteristic of these traits can lead to tumor growth (note: not necessarily malignant), the process of change is called a cell mutations or better known as gene mutations.
The existence of the acceleration and velocity of each cell body of each the same in every cell of cells that make up an organ, when the acceleration and speed of growth is changing from one cell to another cell in a single organ, it can lead to tumor growth (note: not necessarily malignant) .
Well if cell growth is beyond the characteristic features of all the properties of the above characteristics, then we can katagorikan abnormal cell growth / not normal and we began to suspect the existence of growth towards normal not to be called a tumor.
So the question arises, What affects the occurrence of changes in the growth of normal cells into abnormal cell growth?
Common Causes of cancer:
Factors influencing these changes include:
- Chemistry Factor (medical term Carsinogenic agent), the presence of chemicals that affect cell growth either directly or indirectly, directly if the cell is in the growth of direct exposure to chemicals that alter the structure and the genes that carry information from cell gene cell next to a young mother, for example lung cells exposed to hazardous chemicals contained in cigarette smoke (can be scientifically identified the number of toxic chemicals in a cigarette, that there are four million kinds of toxic chemicals, the most dangerous is the type of cyanide) , indirectly, when the cell growth is influenced certain chemicals without direct contact with these chemicals, for example, the growth of a cell required for the hormone, with the influence of this hormone then the cell will grow like the parent cell, but because of the chemicals taken into the body and disrupt the formation of this hormone is the amount of hormone may increase or be reduced, and this greatly affects cell growth earlier.
- Radiation factors, namely the effects of radiation on the growth of cells that would interfere with the growth of new cells, either directly, or indirectly, directly, if this radiation directly on the growing cells so that the growth of new cells to change and do not like their parent cell growth (known as mutation) example is our skin is exposed to the radiation from sunlight, especially ultraviolet rays, Gamma rays, X rays and other radiation beam rays. Apart from solar radiation can also be found from the nuclear material that is certainly very dangerous on the growth of a cell.
- Hormonal factors, had already mentioned that a cell will grow influenced by this hormone (medical term growth hormone), in case of changing the supply of growth hormone in a cell, the cell growth will be amended.
- Factors influence Virus, there are some viruses that can invade directly into the cell, so that the virus directly disturb even destroy the genetic information contained in a cell, resulting in a change in its growth, one example of virus is Human Cancer Virus, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV / AIDS), herpes virus (Kaposi's Sarcoma) and the other another.
- Hereditary factors (heredity), hereditary factors are very closely with the genetic information passed down from parents to their children the meaning of information changes in cell growth gene is carried by a ribbon of genes from parent cells to young cells to be formed, this process is known in medical terms Oncogenic cancer, for example about 5% incidence of malignant tumors / breast cancer in a woman going down on her son.
And there are many other factors that I think is very difficult when described all, so I just describe the factors causing factors in general terms.
An easy way of detecting and diagnosing cancer:
The way I will describe is a simple way that can be done by a layman, means without involving special inspection to detect / diagnose the presence of cancer as is often done by an oncologist (Oncologist) and cancer surgeons (Surgical Oncologist).
Way include:
Beware any lumps that grow on every part of our body, for example, a mole that was originally in the form of a black color on the skin surface, suddenly turned into a small lump grew bigger and generally accompanied by intense itching, and sipenderita felt compelled to scratch it all the time and This just adds to the effect of growth becomes more afgresif.
Beware if there is a sudden onset of bump in the absence of factors wounds / trauma / impact, for example a small pimple that suddenly is the skin surface in addition to the facial skin (face), and followed by intense itching, tenderness, redness / blackness, feeling the heat.
Beware of a lump gland (the medical term known as nodullilymphatic = lymph nodes), especially in the neck area, behind the ears, left and right armpit, elbow fold. groin, knee fold.
Beware of a mass or lump in the abdomen area (medical terms is known as the Abdomen). If there are lumps, try to identify the lump, the size (of peanut, ping pong balls, tennis balls, etc.), location of lumps (up, down, left, right, around the navel, etc.), consistency / density of the lump, Hard or chewy , sensation / feeling like no pain when pressed, such mobilization can still move digerak or fixed to the surrounding connective tissue.
Beware if a lump in the breast, if any, try to identify as in the abdomen, accompanied by conjecture presence / absence of enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and left and right armpit.
Beware of the neck lump and surrounding areas as well as to identify the bumps on the abdomen (a special mark for neck tumors)
Beware of prolonged cough with fresh blood discharge for heavy smokers (heavy smoker) (special sign for lung cancer)
Watch for signs of bleeding signs of bleeding without any prior means out of the wound or injury, such as nosebleeds from the nostrils, fresh blood discharge from the vagina (a special mark for cervical cancer), fresh blood discharge from the anus (special signs for colon cancer), Blood Out Fresh from the mouth with vomit (a special mark for gastric cancer)
Beware if frequent headaches are prolonged and have become a routine or periodic pain, vomiting vomiting that burst (a special sign for brain cancer)
Beware if the urine is found substandard conditions, especially in terms of jets of urine (a sign of prostate tumors in men specifically)
Beware if there is a change pattern of bowel movements, among others, often prolonged diarrhea, constipation or even prolonged (special signs for cancer and small intestine or large intestine)
Beware of the prolonged presence of whitish, smelly and itchy, it specifically for women who are married (special signs of cervical cancer)
Beware if there are sores on the skin wounds that are difficult to heal, though had been treated (special signs for skin cancer)
Beware if there are bumps on the tongue, gums and lips, accompanied by a disturbance of taste, speech impairment, and disruption of voice / hoarseness (special marks for oral cavity tumors)
Beware of a lump and swelling in the joints of both joints (like knees) and small joints (fingers), accompanied by pain when driven (tumor specific signs of bone and joints)
How can I fix things when encountered something like the above?
The wisest way is to immediately contact the nearest medical service agencies, so that can handle more, because the basic principles of cancer treatment is the earlier / faster overcome the prognosis hope for recovery will be greater.
How can I prevent cancer?
In general, the easiest way for us to prevent the occurrence of cancer is that we really understand what causes the common causes that can trigger cancer, as I have described above, but in this chapter I will review a bit as the illustration in order to facilitate the reader, we take the example to prevent cervical cancer, the best are:
1. Do not ever do free sex, so be faithful to our spouses. This is not our only applies to the wife (woman) but also the husband (male), remember one of the causes of cancer is a virus that can be transmitted through unprotected sex with a patient who developed the virus.
2. Do peperiksaan PAP smear (Papaniculous smear), a minimum of 6 months, specifically for women who are married.
3. Immediately see a doctor if often experience prolonged vaginal discharge, smelly and itchy, as well as the existence of sudden hemorrhage outside the monthly menstrual cycle.
Another example: For a heavy smoker and has an annual consumption of cigarettes in a matter, be careful when suddenly experienced a prolonged cough with fresh blood discharge and accompanied by chest pain that is on the entire surface of the chest is also a prolonged shortness of breath, is a special sign of lung cancer , how wise is aware of the dangers of smoking, consider the enjoyment of smoking a hazard or risk being found to be lung cancer, immediately stop and get used to a healthy lifestyle better.
Where we seek treatment when suffering from cancer?
I as a doctor who often handles cases of cancer, should advocate for immediate medical treatment to the agency sub-unit of Cancer (Cancer unit / Poly cancer). That in every hospital there must be a specialist cancer was (Oncologist) and also His cancer specialists Surgery (Surgical Oncologist). With good handling, and as early as possible then the prognosis would be greater hope for recovery, eliminate the worry that went to the doctor later in the fear of surgery, or who is not afraid to spend quite a bit.
We must believe in God behind every disease must have been promising cure for his people sought, and we as physicians will surely help all patients who come to our patients regardless of anyone else, because our mission is that we are there for each other can share and help others based on the sincerity and sincerity in acting and doing, hopefully this article can be a useful information for a wide audience and useful for our common prosperity.