Tips on how to relieve, reduce, or eliminate tooth pain, I am writing because I recently toothache, hehe. Therefore, I think it never hurts to share tips (non-medical), how to mitigate, or eliminate menguarangi toothache, because I'm sure many people are looking over the internet.
Toothache, who does linger at home to feel his toothache pain? If you feel at home, it's definitely science Debus, hehe. Tooth pain that I feel is most severe, radiating up to the head, as migraine, but the pain is much more intense than migraines, because I too often have migraines, hehe. The rather severe toothache is, when the pain is gone, but my gums swollen, and the swelling was not playing great, as my cheeks look chubby, but cuman next to it, hehe. Well, toothache is very annoying, especially at inappropriate times, either at the time met the clients, bosses, customers, or time in a state meeting.
I give tips on how to relieve, reduce or eliminate tooth pain, not because I am a dentist, because I am just an ordinary person but full of experience to the affairs of a toothache, haha. Therefore, it could be the way I write below is not suitable for you, therefore, if not convinced by this article, do not do, because I am not responsible if they are not effective in relieving tooth pain you feel, okay? Here are tips.
Buy a mouthwash with iodine, or other mouthwash, and use it after you brush your teeth, tooth pain when it strikes.
Take pain-reducing medication, which you can buy in pharmacies.
Brush your teeth after meals, before bed, and after waking up.
If your swollen gums, drink reliever inflammation of the gums, which can be found in pharmacies.
Stop drinking something cold or hot.
Once you feel your teeth do not hurt anymore, immediately come to the dentist, to resolve the pain of it for good, because if you do not do, not long after the pain came again, until the condition of your teeth worse. And remember, the teeth located near the brain, which means, there is little you neglect your dental health care, do not close the possibility of bad things you did not intend.