the consumption of animals protein will determine the quality of physical of growth and the intelligence of, as well as the nation's competitiveness.
considering the benefits of red meat very much for our health, unless the food consumed in excess
Young lamb from the lamb one year old down rich in protein, iron, vitamin B12 and other nutrients such as zinc, selenium and niacin.
Let us further examine the nutritional content of veal, which is beneficial for the health of this body.
The largest component in the human body after water, the numbers are 1 / 6 of the human body weight is dispersed in the muscle, bone, skin and other body fluids.
Protein is needed as a body builder substances which form new tissue in the body, regulating substances that regulate the body's systems as well as incendiary substance is a protein will be burned when the body's energy needs can not be met by carbohydrate and fat.
Iron is an essential part of hemoglobin, the protein carrier in the blood.
Generally the body obtain iron from the food supply and Fe on the results of recycling old red blood cells. Without iron, the blood can not carry oxygen effectively.
Oxygen is needed by every cell tubh to function normally. Iron deficiency generally occurs due to loss of blood, including menstruation, lack of iron absorption by the body, and the lack of iron in the diet.
When older people with vitamin B12 intake with doses lower than average needs, has six times the risk of having reduced the ability of the brain.
Minerals essential for health.
Zinc is one of the micronutrients or minerals that are essential for humans.