Jaundice or liver disease is a deadly disease, but you do not be afraid, the disease is simple and easy to cure.
If it is hard to come breadfruit breadfruit leaves are also highly efficacious cure liver, the way he is taking 10 strands of old breadfruit leaves yellow , boiled until boiling like the color of tea, give to the patient and Drinks boiling water for 2 weeks then ill liver is healed, it is easy I hope these recipes can help families in need.sible the cooking water if necessary and wear each drink the cooking water for two weeks or more then the liver disease will be cured.
Take a breadfruit, cut into 4 pieces and boiled until boiling, drink as much as pos
If it is hard to come breadfruit breadfruit leaves are also highly efficacious cure liver, the way he is taking 10 strands of old breadfruit leaves yellow , boiled until boiling like the color of tea, give to the patient and Drinks boiling water for 2 weeks then ill liver is healed, it is easy I hope these recipes can help families in need.sible the cooking water if necessary and wear each drink the cooking water for two weeks or more then the liver disease will be cured.
Liver disease symptoms have 18 signs that you should know and be aware. The characteristics of a person affected by this disease are:
1. Having yellowish skin.
2. The urine turns brownish color like tea.
3. Often experience nausea.
4. Rapid loss of appetite.
5. Easy to lose weight drastically.
6. Often experience vomiting.
7. Experiencing diarrhea.
8. Stool color (BAB) are pale.
9. Often experience pain in the upper right abdomen.
10. Often not well experienced and less vibrant.
11. Experience itching.
12. Have an enlarged blood vessels.
13.Mudah once experiencing fatigue.
14. Sugar levels become low.
15. Experiencing stiffness and sore muscles.
16. Slight fever.
17. Decreased sex drive.
18.Sering depressed.