For patients with diabetes (diabetes), of controlling the blood sugar should always be done. The trick is to make lifestyle changes, manage diet and regular exercise. Diabetes. Diabetes is a disorder where the body can not keep your blood sugar levels remain normal. The disorder is due to impaired insulin action, whether it's because of a lack of insulin or because insulin is needed in the body is not sufficient. Insulin is a substance in the body that will be automatically issued in each there is an increase in sugar. Insulin is produced by the pancreas gland. Diabete Can not Be Cured. Disease diabetes itself is an incurable disease (based on medical science), but could only be controlled. Diabetes is also a disease that is progressive. Other Complications. If people with diabetes can not control their blood sugar, so many things that can happen. Nearly 50 percent of diabetics will be affected by complications in the eye that causes blurred eyes. Other complications are:
Renal failure
Possible blind
and nerve damage to the edge.
Nerve Damage Symptoms edges.
Damage to the nervous edge of this is usually the most feared because the most severe result is amputation .
Damage to the nervous edge of this symptom are:
Feet were thickened.
Legs may feel less
When plugging the tip is usually not felt.
If it can not feel numb, aka, the risk of injury and the entry of germs will be greater, the risk of infection is also great.
If the infection is severe, then the verdict amputation could have been done. Tips For Foot Injury is not easy for people with diabetes:
Do not wear socks that are too tight so that the blood flow smoothly.
When wearing shoes
Make sure the feet clean
Shoe try no foreign object or gravel.
Avoid wearing flip-flops, better use model shoe slippers to avoid friction.
In order for No Complications:
Therefore, in order to avoid complications of other diseases, diabetics should keep your intake of sugar in the body. Some tips that can be done is: 1. Changing Lifestyle. Usually known as 3J (three J) . A first : The number of calories consumed must be calculated and as needed. A second : a regular eating schedule. A third: Type of food dilarangharus avoided. 2. Reduce Sugar. Because insulin that controls blood sugar is not working properly, then you alone must control the sugar intake. You have to adjust to a slower insulin action. Therefore, reduce the consumption of foods containing simple sugars (glucose), for example, is the sugar and syrup. For the sugar and syrup will easily and quickly absorbed by the body. 3. Select Fructose. Sugar is to be limited, but sugar is actually also needed by the body. To meet the needs of the sugar, choose foods that contain fructose. This type of sugar is not easily absorbed by the body so as to allow the insulin that is less able to work well for the process. 4. Sports. Sports simplest thing to do is walk a minimum of 30 minutes per day. Do not forget also to warm also cool down afterward. Exercise is beneficial for weight loss, also to lower blood sugar. 5. Quarterly evaluation. If it is carrying out four tips above, do not forget to evacuate once per three months. With the checks and controls blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure, would be expected when there is a risk of complications could be detected and prevented early.