The provision of complementary feeding (breast milk) began to be given since the baby is 6 months old. Complementary feeding is first given milk porridge.
Then strain the teams are given rice, rice rice as a team and eventually other family meals.
In children 1 year old, can already given the family meal. The texture of the food provided was a family meal.
For flavor and texture of food, can be introduced in stages in accordance with the child's adaptability. Family meals can be provided such as rice and side dishes pauknya, various kinds of snacks can also be provided.
Foods that are too sharp marinade can be given more recent, say rawon, gule or lodeh.
While rice soup, clear vegetable, fried chicken, and so forth already empal can be given.
Food can be provided with a wide range of variation that children do not get bored and her appetite will arise.