High blood pressure or hypertension is a condition where a person's blood pressure is above the normal rate, systolic blood pressure reached a value of 140 mmHg or higher and diastolic blood pressure reached a value of 90 mmHg or higher than that.
Hypertension can occur in men and women and the risk of developing hypertension is increasing at the age of 50 years and over.
Why Need to Check Blood Pressure.
Nearly 90 percent of cases the actual cause of hypertension is unknown, most of the hypertension does not give symptoms (asistomatis). This is why it is important to perform regular blood tests.
Only high blood pressure checks using tensimeter diagnosis of hypertension can be obtained accurate results.
Healthy Lifestyle
Suspected causes of hypertension include:
1. Use of drugs such as class kortikosterid (cortison)
2. and some hormone drugs continuously can increase a person's blood pressure.
3. In addition, smoking is also one of the causes of high blood increased due to tobacco that contains nicotine.
4. Drinks that contain alcohol are also included among the factors that can cause high blood pressure.
The pattern of unhealthy lifestyle can make a person at risk of high blood disease. To overcome this, one can implement a healthy lifestyle by quitting smoking, exercising regularly and eating a healthy set.
Expand the vegetable also can prevent an attack of hypertension.
Natural Ways to Avoid Risk of Hypertension.
1. Maintaining a normal weight.
2. Chocolate consumption.
3. Someone who became physically active (exercise) is one of the most important steps that can be done to prevent hypertension or high blood pressure under control. It also helps the risk of heart disease.
4. Hypertensive patients are usually advised to walk every day for at least 30 minutes, so do these activities to avoid the risk of hypertension.
5. At the time of the morning and evening, for 5 minutes breathing deeply and slowly waste. This can reduce renin, an enzyme in the kidney that can increase blood pressure.
6. Expand to consume vegetables that contain Potasuium.
Walking and exercise will help the heart to use oxygen efficiently so that the heart does not work too hard to pump blood. Try to breathe slowly, not out of breath and more organized every day.
In addition to the respiratory process, hypertension patients are encouraged to consume a half ounce of dark chocolate every day. Because according to the study, by consuming chocolate can lower blood pressure significantly. Besides chocolate, consume foods that contain lots of potassium can also lower high blood pressure.
Try to consume potassium 2000 to 4000 mg per day.
Foods that contain potassium include:
Bean pods.
Unhealthy lifestyles can lead a person to experience hiperntensi, than that other than getting used to eat healthy foods and rich in fiber and potassium, must also be diligent exercise and breathing exercises regularly.