Following its Point-Point.Symptoms of Liver Cancer:
Quickly exhausted. Body feels weak.
Often shivering in the night. Fever in the morning.
Weight dropped drastically. Often feel pain in the back and shoulders. Sometimes coughing or vomiting blood. The entire skin becomes yellow.
distended stomach. Upper abdominal pain.
Black stools. leg swelling. Hepotema liver cancer or a malignant process in the liver, both primary and secondary.Primary liver cancer means the cancer cells begin to grow out of it's own liver cells which in turn could spread and damage other organs.While in secondary liver cancer caused by the spread of cancer from elsewhere, for example from gastrointestinal cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and so on.
Liver cancer at an early stage.
In general, asymptomatic and without a clear complaint.
The new liver cancer will cause symptoms when it has entered an advanced stage, for example, will appear as symptoms of the above complaints.
Causes of Liver Cancer.
The exact cause is still unknown, but several factors are suspected as a cause of liver cancer are:
Hepatitis B virus infection and hepatitis C.
Cirrhosis of the liver.
Hereditary predisposition.
Parasite Clonorchis sinensis infection.
Foods that contain ingredients hepatokarsinogenik (fungus aflatoxin, alcohol).
Many of taking drugs.
The dye.
Buata sweetener.
Must be the reason Foods Cause.
This is because the liver is a detoxifying from drugs or food into the body so that more frequent consumption of foods containing ingredients mentioned above, then the liver will be heavier.
Toxins accumulate in the liver is what can cause liver damage.
To diagnose a liver cancer, needed a thorough physical examination and laboratory examinations such as,
Liver function tests.
Test sign of viral hepatitis.
Test sign of tumor.
Ultrasound tests.
Angiographic Hepatic.
Liver biopsy.
Liver cancer is not contagious, but the cause of liver cancer there are diseases, such as the hepatitis B virus can be spread by:
Intimate relationships.
Kissing the patient.
Syringes. Tattoos.
Blood transfusion.
Tubh fluids come into contact with the patient through an open skin wounds or mucous membranes of the eyes and mout